Devoted—The Worship Album
Hey there!
I just did something I’ve never done before: I recorded a WORSHIP PROJECT!
I’m a worship leader, among other things, and that means I have to find songs to use in worship services, all the time.
And y’all, it can be exhausting! So many songs written for use in modern worship are…
Exclusionary: “Jesus died for ME.”
Shame-inducing: “I’m terrible and hopeless apart from Jesus’ saving blood.”
Trite: Dodging difficult life questions, offering toxically-positive answers
Unengaging: Serving the same old lyrical images, same derivative music
And a lot of the old hymns are just too hard to sing.
So…I gathered some songs that I like and have been using in the services I lead, and I’m releasing them on a new EP
Yes, I had a hand in writing each of these 5 songs. They all reflect a progressive, inclusive theology—no guilt, shame, or hell-talk here. And they don’t sound like everything on K-LOVE either.
Give DEVOTED a listen and a “Like” on Apple Music or wherever you stream your favorites.
Thanks for listening, and for supporting indie artists!